Sunday, January 12, 2020

Computer Thesis

BOUND MANUSCRIPT FORMAT Font: Bookman Old Style, Size 12 Margin: L – 1. 5†, R – 1†, T – 1†, B – 1† Spacing: Single Space (Title Page, Approval Sheet, Executive Summary, Abstract, Appendices) Double space (Body, Table of Contents, Acknowledgement) Page Number: Top-Right of the Page (No page number on the first page of each chapter and on appendices) Table Number and Name: Before the table (left alignment) Figure Number and Name: After the figure (center alignment) TITLE PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iii APPROVAL SHEET ii APPROVAL SHEET ii Title (Bold, ALL CAPS) A Project Study presented to the Faculty f the College of Computer Science In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Proponents: First Name MI Last Name (arrange alphabetically – Last Name) October 2012 Title (Bold, ALL CAPS) A Project Study presented to the Faculty of the College of Computer S cience In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Proponents: First Name MI Last Name (arrange alphabetically – Last Name) October 2012 LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF TABLES v TABLE OF CONTENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS iv 2 Introduction Objectives General SpecificScope and Delimitations Review of Related Literature (Implemented previous studies— international, national, local,) Technical Background Existing System Hardware Specifications| Software Specifications| | | Proposed System Recommended Hardware Specifications| Software Requirements| Description 2 Introduction Objectives General Specific Scope and Delimitations Review of Related Literature (Implemented previous studies— international, national, local,) Technical Background Existing System Hardware Specifications| Software Specifications| | | Proposed System Recommended Hardware Specifications| Software Requirements| DescriptionChapter I INTRODUCTION Proj ect Context Present scenario/settings/procedure with the existing system Problems encountered with the existing system Purpose and Description Features of the Proposed System that will solve the problems encountered Benefits that can be derived from the Proposed System Chapter I INTRODUCTION Project Context Present scenario/settings/procedure with the existing system Problems encountered with the existing system Purpose and Description Features of the Proposed System that will solve the problems encountered Benefits that can be derived from the Proposed System Chapter II METHODOLOGYWindows 7 Check Your Understandingcom/windows-7-check-your-understanding/embed/#?secret=Mu8qhiqAyO" data-secret="Mu8qhiqAyO" width="500" height="282" title="â€Å"Windows 7 Check Your Understanding† — Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">A. Requirements Specification Operational Feasibility Fishbone Diagram (Add Description Below) Schedul e Feasibility Gantt Chart Cost-Benefit Analysis Data and Process Modeling (Diagrams for the Proposed System) * ERD * Context Diagram * DFD * System Flowchart B. Design * Screenshots (forms), Sample Reports Chapter II METHODOLOGY A. Requirements Specification Operational Feasibility Fishbone Diagram (Add Description Below) Schedule Feasibility Gantt Chart Cost-Benefit Analysis Data and Process Modeling (Diagrams for the Proposed System) * ERD * Context Diagram * DFD * System Flowchart B. Design Screenshots (forms), Sample Reports 8 Methodology C. Development Hardware Specifications Software Specifications Programming Environment * Front End * Back End D. Testing Plan (Testing plan during the development) E. Maintenance Plan * Gantt Chart (Description after the figure) 8 Methodology C. Development Hardware Specifications Software Specifications Programming Environment * Front End * Back End D. Testing Plan (Testing plan during the development) E. Maintenance Plan * Gantt Chart (Descri ption after the figure) BIBLIOGRAPHY Trajano, Emily, â€Å"Visual Basic: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming†, 2008APPENDICES A. Source Code B. User’s Guide C. Grammarian Certification D. Other Relevant Documents CURRICULUM VITAE (Personal Information, Picture, Educational Background, Seminars/Trainings Attended) BIBLIOGRAPHY Trajano, Emily, â€Å"Visual Basic: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming†, 2008 APPENDICES E. Source Code F. User’s Guide G. Grammarian Certification H. Other Relevant Documents CURRICULUM VITAE (Personal Information, Picture, Educational Background, Seminars/Trainings Attended) Chapter IV IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Description Implementation Contingency Schedule of Testing (Gantt Chart) testing plan during deployment) Project Implementation Checklist Activities| Finish| Not Finish| On-going| 1. Installed IS| v| | | Chapter IV IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Description Implementation Contingency Schedule of Testing (Gantt Chart) ( testing plan during deployment) Project Implementation Checklist Activities| Finish| Not Finish| On-going| 1. Installed IS| v| | | Chapter III RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter III RECOMMENDATIONS Samples†¦ Table 1. Distribution of Middle Level Managers in terms of Age, IFSU 2011 Age| Frequency (F)| Percentage (%)| MEAN| SD| 26 – 30| 1| 4. 5| 47. 55| 9. 16| 31 – 35| 0| 0| | | 36 – 40| 5| 22. | | | 41 – 45| 3| 13. 6| | | 46 – 50| 6| 27. 3| | | 51 – 55| 1| 4. 5| | | 56 – 60| 4| 18. 2| | | 61 – 65| 2| 9. 1| | | TOTAL| 22| 100. 0| | | Figure 4. Gantt Chart of Schedule of Activities Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Project Context Every organization is concerned with the modernization of their firm to become competitive. Our environment and its usefulness, in business transactions operation, education and others, already know computerization. It supported the success of each individual to gain benefits as the time period, less energy to exert and less number of person involve in processing such job.For this reason many-concerned citizen continue to contrive and investigate various type of applications that they aim to gain advantage of the adoption of modern technology gives big improvement in a company. It will show in a certain firm that there is development. The researchers observed that their recording and other operation are slow when done manually. Purpose and Description The success of an organization depends on its ability to acquire accurate and timely data or information about its operations, manage data effectively and use it to analyze the organizations activities and operations. sample format of citations) According to Earls M. Awad, â€Å"System is an organized group of components or elements linked together according to a plan to achieve an objective†. Information is needed in virtually every field of human thought and action. It generally supports that computerization of information system is considere d a great advantage in an organization. The job performance of management graduates employee and non-management graduates as computerized and is a student profile system operator.Both of them are with computer operations background. She compared the ratings given by the administrators in the performance of the both. One of the clients’ findings of the study was that there is a significant difference between the job performance of the management graduates employee and non-government graduates as assessed by the administrators and the big difference is in favor of management graduates employee for the reason that records is more fast and easy. (http:www. Sourceface. commanagement_1 ote35. html) Computer Thesis BOUND MANUSCRIPT FORMAT Font: Bookman Old Style, Size 12 Margin: L – 1. 5†, R – 1†, T – 1†, B – 1† Spacing: Single Space (Title Page, Approval Sheet, Executive Summary, Abstract, Appendices) Double space (Body, Table of Contents, Acknowledgement) Page Number: Top-Right of the Page (No page number on the first page of each chapter and on appendices) Table Number and Name: Before the table (left alignment) Figure Number and Name: After the figure (center alignment) TITLE PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iii APPROVAL SHEET ii APPROVAL SHEET ii Title (Bold, ALL CAPS) A Project Study presented to the Faculty f the College of Computer Science In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Proponents: First Name MI Last Name (arrange alphabetically – Last Name) October 2012 Title (Bold, ALL CAPS) A Project Study presented to the Faculty of the College of Computer S cience In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Proponents: First Name MI Last Name (arrange alphabetically – Last Name) October 2012 LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF TABLES v TABLE OF CONTENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS iv 2 Introduction Objectives General SpecificScope and Delimitations Review of Related Literature (Implemented previous studies— international, national, local,) Technical Background Existing System Hardware Specifications| Software Specifications| | | Proposed System Recommended Hardware Specifications| Software Requirements| Description 2 Introduction Objectives General Specific Scope and Delimitations Review of Related Literature (Implemented previous studies— international, national, local,) Technical Background Existing System Hardware Specifications| Software Specifications| | | Proposed System Recommended Hardware Specifications| Software Requirements| DescriptionChapter I INTRODUCTION Proj ect Context Present scenario/settings/procedure with the existing system Problems encountered with the existing system Purpose and Description Features of the Proposed System that will solve the problems encountered Benefits that can be derived from the Proposed System Chapter I INTRODUCTION Project Context Present scenario/settings/procedure with the existing system Problems encountered with the existing system Purpose and Description Features of the Proposed System that will solve the problems encountered Benefits that can be derived from the Proposed System Chapter II METHODOLOGYWindows 7 Check Your Understandingcom/windows-7-check-your-understanding/embed/#?secret=Mu8qhiqAyO" data-secret="Mu8qhiqAyO" width="500" height="282" title="â€Å"Windows 7 Check Your Understanding† — Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no">A. Requirements Specification Operational Feasibility Fishbone Diagram (Add Description Below) Schedul e Feasibility Gantt Chart Cost-Benefit Analysis Data and Process Modeling (Diagrams for the Proposed System) * ERD * Context Diagram * DFD * System Flowchart B. Design * Screenshots (forms), Sample Reports Chapter II METHODOLOGY A. Requirements Specification Operational Feasibility Fishbone Diagram (Add Description Below) Schedule Feasibility Gantt Chart Cost-Benefit Analysis Data and Process Modeling (Diagrams for the Proposed System) * ERD * Context Diagram * DFD * System Flowchart B. Design Screenshots (forms), Sample Reports 8 Methodology C. Development Hardware Specifications Software Specifications Programming Environment * Front End * Back End D. Testing Plan (Testing plan during the development) E. Maintenance Plan * Gantt Chart (Description after the figure) 8 Methodology C. Development Hardware Specifications Software Specifications Programming Environment * Front End * Back End D. Testing Plan (Testing plan during the development) E. Maintenance Plan * Gantt Chart (Descri ption after the figure) BIBLIOGRAPHY Trajano, Emily, â€Å"Visual Basic: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming†, 2008APPENDICES A. Source Code B. User’s Guide C. Grammarian Certification D. Other Relevant Documents CURRICULUM VITAE (Personal Information, Picture, Educational Background, Seminars/Trainings Attended) BIBLIOGRAPHY Trajano, Emily, â€Å"Visual Basic: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming†, 2008 APPENDICES E. Source Code F. User’s Guide G. Grammarian Certification H. Other Relevant Documents CURRICULUM VITAE (Personal Information, Picture, Educational Background, Seminars/Trainings Attended) Chapter IV IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Description Implementation Contingency Schedule of Testing (Gantt Chart) testing plan during deployment) Project Implementation Checklist Activities| Finish| Not Finish| On-going| 1. Installed IS| v| | | Chapter IV IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Description Implementation Contingency Schedule of Testing (Gantt Chart) ( testing plan during deployment) Project Implementation Checklist Activities| Finish| Not Finish| On-going| 1. Installed IS| v| | | Chapter III RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter III RECOMMENDATIONS Samples†¦ Table 1. Distribution of Middle Level Managers in terms of Age, IFSU 2011 Age| Frequency (F)| Percentage (%)| MEAN| SD| 26 – 30| 1| 4. 5| 47. 55| 9. 16| 31 – 35| 0| 0| | | 36 – 40| 5| 22. | | | 41 – 45| 3| 13. 6| | | 46 – 50| 6| 27. 3| | | 51 – 55| 1| 4. 5| | | 56 – 60| 4| 18. 2| | | 61 – 65| 2| 9. 1| | | TOTAL| 22| 100. 0| | | Figure 4. Gantt Chart of Schedule of Activities Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Project Context Every organization is concerned with the modernization of their firm to become competitive. Our environment and its usefulness, in business transactions operation, education and others, already know computerization. It supported the success of each individual to gain benefits as the time period, less energy to exert and less number of person involve in processing such job.For this reason many-concerned citizen continue to contrive and investigate various type of applications that they aim to gain advantage of the adoption of modern technology gives big improvement in a company. It will show in a certain firm that there is development. The researchers observed that their recording and other operation are slow when done manually. Purpose and Description The success of an organization depends on its ability to acquire accurate and timely data or information about its operations, manage data effectively and use it to analyze the organizations activities and operations. sample format of citations) According to Earls M. Awad, â€Å"System is an organized group of components or elements linked together according to a plan to achieve an objective†. Information is needed in virtually every field of human thought and action. It generally supports that computerization of information system is considere d a great advantage in an organization. The job performance of management graduates employee and non-management graduates as computerized and is a student profile system operator.Both of them are with computer operations background. She compared the ratings given by the administrators in the performance of the both. One of the clients’ findings of the study was that there is a significant difference between the job performance of the management graduates employee and non-government graduates as assessed by the administrators and the big difference is in favor of management graduates employee for the reason that records is more fast and easy. (http:www. Sourceface. commanagement_1 ote35. html)

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